Edith Hillinger was born in Berlin, Germany, and spent her formative years in Turkey. She came to the United States as a young adult.
1964 Four-year certificate in painting, Cooper Union School of Art, New York
1964 Painting scholarship, Provincetown Workshop, Provincetown, Massachusetts
1965-1966 Textile Design, New School for Social Research, NY
1976 B.A., New York University, New York
Grants and Awards
2016 Nominated for the SECA ART AWARD, SFMOMA
2015 First Prize, Viridian Artists 26th Annual International, NY
2005 Artist-in-residence, New Pacific Studio, Mt. Bruce, New Zealand
2004 Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation Award in painting/photography
1976 International Women’s Year Award, The Women Artists Historical Archives, New York
Artist-in-residence, The MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, New Hampshire
Artist-in-residence, Montalvo Center for the Arts, Saratoga, California
1975 Painting award, Silvermine Guild of Artists, New Canaan, Connecticut
Painting award, Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2013 A Collision of Cultures, Offramp Gallery, Pasadena, Ca
2010 Natural Perspective, Larson Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul
2009 Togonon Gallery, San Francisco
2008 Togonon Gallery, San Francisco
2006 Togonon Gallery, San Francisco
2005 Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel, California
Aratoi Museum, Masterton, New Zealand
2004 Museo Café Gallery, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
1986 Amerika Haus Gallery, Munich, Germany
1983 Bluxome Gallery, San Francisco
1981 Works on Paper, Shirley Cerf Gallery, San Francisco
Electro Arts Gallery, San Francisco
Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 HUD Gallery, Discernible Effects, Ventura California
2015 Viridian Artists 26th Juried International, NY
Abstract Sanctuary, Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland, Or
2014 Prime Time: Curated by Patricia Watts, MCF, California
SFMOMA ARTISTS Gallery, San Francisco 3 person exhibition
Carl cherry Center for the arts, Carmel, California
Abstracting from Narture, Sturt Haaga Gallery, California
2013 Gratwanderung, Waren, Muritz, Germany
2013 26th Annual Juried exhibition, Viridian Gallery, NY, NY
2013 Patterns, Symbols & Codes, Platt Borstein Gallery, Los Angeles, Ca
2011 Les Femmes Artistes Vernissage/Armory Art Center, during Art Basel,
West Palm Beach, Florida
2011 Black, White and Shades of Gray, O’Hanlon Center for the Arts,
Mill Valley, California
2011 Art of the Line, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, California
Green, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, California
Juried at BAC: Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, California
2010 Process & Place, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, California
2009 Dualities, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, California
2009 National Association of Women Artists, NAWA Gallery, New York
2007 Mini Prints, Lessedra Gallery, Sophia, Bulgaria
2007 Roots in the Bay, Togonon Gallery, San Francisco
2006 Our Planet, Our Home, SFMOMA Artists Gallery, San Francisco
2006 Civic Center Art Exhibition, Berkeley, California
2006 Gallery Artists, Togonon Gallery, San Francisco
2004 Fall Exhibition, Togonon Gallery, San Francisco
National Drawing 2004, The College of New Jersey
2003 Womenkind, Butters Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2002 Nature Spirit, Claudia Chapline Gallery, Stinson Beach, California
Pro Arts Juried Annual, Oakland, California/Juror Gerardo Mosquera
2001 Women Made Gallery, Chicago
Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, California
California Small Works 2001, Sonoma Museum of Visual Arts,
Sonoma, California/Juror Kenneth Baker
2000 Pro Arts 2000 Juried Annual, Oakland, California/Juror Larry Rinder
1990 Gallery Imago Group Exhibition, San Francisco
1988 Collage, N.A.M.E, Chicago
1986 Pyramid Art Gallery, Rochester, New York
All California Biennial, Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, California
1985 Watercolor Gallery, Berkeley, California
Nexus Gallery, Berkeley, California
1984 Electrostatics International, Cleveland State University Gallery,
Cleveland, Ohio
1983 New Technology: New Art, Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey
Symbols and Surfaces, Walnut Creek Civic Art Gallery, Walnut Creek, California
Sun Gallery, Hayward, California
1982 Chevron Gallery, San Francisco
Reese Bullen Gallery, Arcada, California
Humboldt State University, Arcada, California
1991 Bluxome Gallery, San Francisco
High Art Technology, Library of Congress, Washington, DC
1980 Richmond Art Center, Richmond, California
Reese Bullen Gallery, Arcada, California
Glyptothek Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark
1979 Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, California
1977 Artists Choice, Women in the Arts (WIA). Travelled to eight colleges and universities.
Drawings USA/77, Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul
1976 Chatham College, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
New York University Gallery, New York
1975 Works on Paper/Women Artists, Brooklyn Museum, New York
Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alameda
Process and Place, catalogue, Berkeley Art Center, 2010
Doubletake, catalogue, essay by Rei Masuda, 2008
Botanical Meditations, catalogue, Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, 2005
Feminists Who Changed America 1963–1975, Barbara Love, ed., University of Illinois Press, 2006
Drawings USA/77, catalogue, Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, 1977
Works on Paper/Women Artists, catalogue, Brooklyn Museum, New York, 1975
Springfield Art Museum, Watercolor USA 2015 Catalogue
“Fusion: A collision of Cultures”, Christopher Michno, Art Ltd sept/oct 2013
"Genius Loci," DeWitt Cheng, East Bay Express, March 17, 2010
"Our Planet Our Home," (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artists Gallery)
Frank Cebulski, Artweek February 2007
"Edith Hillinger: Building a Life, San Francisco, California, June 2006,"
interview by Richard Whittaker, Works & Conversations, June 24, 2006
"Symbols and Surfaces," (Walnut Creek Civic Arts Gallery) Charles Shere,
Oakland Tribune, August 1983
"Paper Artist Uses Xerox," Cathy Curtis, Berkeley Independent Gazette, August 1981
"Edith Hillinger Paintings," (Caravan House Gallery, New York) Beverly Chester, Pictures on Exhibit, June 1975
"Edith Hillinger, paintings," (Caravan House Gallery, New York) Dorothy Hall, Park East, April 197
Public Collections (selected)
City Hall, City of Berkeley, California
2011 Alameda County Art Collection, Alameda County, California
Minnesota Museum of American Art, St. Paul
Jewish Museum, Berlin, Germany
Leo Beack Institute, New York
Fong and Chan Architects, San Francisco
Shehan Hotel, San Francisco
Raleigh Enterprises, Los Angeles
Genentech Art Collection, San Francisco
Monterey Peninsula Hospital, Monterey
Greens Restaurant, San Francisco
Rutgers University
Sherwood Museum of Botanical Art, London
De Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University
Mills College Art Museum, Oakland, CA
1971 Fredrich D. Zeman Center for Instruction, New York City
1972-1975 School of Visual Arts, New York City
1976-1979 Private watercolor instructor, California
1980-1985 California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, California
2008 Women In The Arts Foundation - Women Artists Legacy Issues
2015 Women In The Arts Foundation - BAWA Legacy Project
Founded a New Women’s Art Organization
2014 I founded the Bay Area Women Artists Legacy Project to address issues embedded in our society that make it difficult for women to preserve their legacies after they die. This is an ongoing project designed to work with art organizations to address these long standing issues.
1998 Christian Science Monitor
1997 Hemisphere Magazine
Membership Organizations
National Association of Women Artists (elected 2009)
Women in the Arts (member since 1970)
Bay Area Women Artists’ Legacy Project founded 2014
Women’s Caucus For Art National and Regional Chapters
Offramp Gallery, Pasadena, California
SFMOMA Artists Gallery, San Francisco, California